
TechWeek 22 provided an opportunity for digital training providers to share how they are improving digital inclusion for older people.


TechWeek22, which runs from 16-22 May 2022,  is a nationwide series of events, showcasing and celebrating New Zealand innovation.  It provides a fantastic platform for anyone who has an interest in Technology & Innovations to meet, share ideas and create connections to enhance our future world.

Much of the programme during TechWeek was aimed at Digital Transformation, Climate & Sustainability, Global Impact, Leaders & Innovation, and Māori Tech Participation.  Disappointingly, of the many tech events on offer, there was only one segment which focused on an important but often forgotten population group – Older Adults.  

Through the Office for Seniors (Ministry of Social Development) five organisations came together to form the Digital Inclusion Action Group for Older People.  The purpose of the Network, which includes DIGIFALE, is to create a community of practice that supports organisations leading the development of age-friendly strategies and implementing age-friendly plans across Aotearoa New Zealand. 

The network was able to share its work with Older Adults during TechWeek22 which can be viewed below.

In the context of a fourth industrial revolution, age-friendly approaches are critical to ensuring older adults remain socially connected, and can actively participate in our communities. This gives them agency in their lives and reduces the risk of isolation.  With digital becoming a ‘default’ approach, digital skills are now an important enabler toward digital inclusion.  

More importantly, we hope innovators and tech developers reach out to the network to ensure their innovations are age-friendly, leading to greater adoption and inclusion among our most respected community of knowledge holders.