
Our current IT workforce is comprised of only 4 percent Māori and 2.8 percent Pasifika. This lack of diversity is not a new challenge, but represents a massive opportunity to meet the demands for digital skills in the health sector.

A webinar held on July 27, 2022 explored programmes designed to increase diversity in the sector and how to enable Māori and Pasifika to build successful careers in digital health. Also, the benefits of bringing in talent with different approaches and ways of thinking about designing and delivering digital solutions.

To watch the webinar visit and sign up at HiNZ (Health Informatics NZ).

The webinar is facilitated by Rebecca McBeth, HiNZ News Editor.

Panel participants are:

  • Will Reedy, CEO, Spark Health
  • Nathan Bryant-Taukiri, Chief Executive, Rea
  • Stephen Su’a, Intern, Rea

Source:  Health Informatics New Zealand